The Creation of Mokan & Nokan

The 2 main characters, Mokan and Nokan, embody traits of the “Triple-E Principle:” Enable, Educate, Empower.

In 2010 filmmaker, musician, dance studio director, and producer Mel Bell-Grey created Mokan and Nokan, a family-style program designed to promote the attributes of positiveness, creativity, and inspiration for its audience.



Driven by their quest for adventure and knowledge, Mokan and Nokan are constantly being inspired by their experiences in life, and in turn, inspire others as they strive to reach their greatest potential by always expanding their horizons, and helping others along the way. This entertaining duo makes Mokan and Nokan a delightful show for families. It is a program they can enjoy watching with one another, which promotes interaction within the family unit, as well as with the world that surrounds them.